Siblings Australia

Siblings Australia is your go-to for programs and supports for siblings of people with disabilities. The sibling relationship can be one of life’s longest lasting and supporting that relationship is at the core of what we do. We help to maximise the well-being of siblings and build their capacity to navigate life’s journey as the sibling of a person with disability.

Our programs and Supports include:

  • SibWise: Designed for parents, health care workers, educators or disability professionals who care for, support or come into contact with siblings of children with disability. This learning program will assist people to better understand and respond to sibling needs and challenges.

  • SibWorks: A peer support program for siblings aged 8-12. Facilitated by professionals in the health, education, disability or community services space whose work brings them into contact with siblings of children with disability. The program is designed to support siblings by building their emotional wellbeing and resilience, and connecting with others who share the same experience.

  • SibConnect: National, state based, peer support groups that provide an opportunity for siblings to connect in person, and exchange experiences and provide mutual support, whether that be over a coffee or game of bowling. Recognising that, sometimes, ‘no-one understands a sib like another sib’. This program provides opportunities for siblings to connect with others who understand the sibling experience better than anyone.

  • SibChat: An online private chat group (hosted on Facebook) exclusively for adult siblings to find support and connect with others who understand the sibling experience. Provides an opportunity for siblings to connect online in a moderated forum and exchange experiences and provide mutual support.




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