FVEY Insider Risk Practitioner Alliance (FIRPA)

13 January 2025

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FVEY Insider Risk Practioner Alliance

FVEY Insider Risk Practitioner Alliance (FIRPA)

FIRPA has been developed by the Australian Insider Risk Centre of Excellence (AIR CoE), Canadian Insider Risk Management Centre of Excellence (C-InRM CoE), and United States Insider Risk Centre of Excellence (USIR CoE) to unite communities of skilled practitioners committed to this mission.

How it works

FIRPA is open to industry, practitioners and public sector organisations striving to increase knowledge around the human factors of cyber security through Insider Risk.


FIRPA’s Education and Training programs provide insider risk practitioners and organisations with a range of learning options to enhance skills, knowledge, and practical application.

  • Insider Risk Micro-Credential: Self-paced online courses covering insider risk fundamentals, ideal for beginners looking to build foundational knowledge. (coming soon)

  • Insider Risk Masterclass: An expert-led program exploring core concepts and case studies to strengthen understanding and application of insider risk.

  • Workshops: Deep-dive sessions on a single topic, offering hands-on training with industry experts to refine specific insider risk skills. (see global events for the next workshop)