New CEO Appointed


13 October 2022

The Board of the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre is pleased to announce Matthew Salier has been appointed CEO.

Matthew will commence his role at The Centre on7 November 2022.

Matthew is currently the Director of RMIT Activator and the RMIT Cyber Ready Cloud Innovation Centre. Matthew is passionate about helping people and businesses thrive in a connected digital world.

His key interests lie in cyber security innovation, building scalable business models, the application of purpose and impact to new venture creation and the power of education delivered through innovative learning strategies.

For the past 25 years, Matthew has worked with hundreds of start-ups, small, medium and large public and private organisations; helping them to apply creativity, strategic thinking, new ideas and new technologies to traditional business challenges, successfully guiding these new economy business builders and disruptive innovators to greater heights.

Matthew is an intrapreneur himself having created 5 spin outs within larger organisations over the last 20 years, each with a focus on social innovation and impact. Prior to RMIT, Matthew was the Founder and Executive Director of the New Venture Institute at Flinders University in South Australia. A highlight of this journey was in February 2018 when the New Venture Institute was named the top University linked accelerator or incubator in Asia Pacific by University Business Incubation (UBI) Global.

The Centre’s Board and staff congratulate Matthew on his appointment and look forward to working together.  

The Centre would also like to farewell and sincerely thank Paula Oliver who has acted as our Interim CEO since April this year. We are grateful for all of her hard work and commitment to The Centre over the past few months. We wish Paula luck with all her future endeavours.