NIST Cyber Security Incident Handling and Introduction to Digital Forensics


13 January 2025

Based on NIST 800-61, this course aims to introduce the concepts related to digital forensics and incident response, along with a number of both free and commercial supporting tools.

Created by aizoOn, and adapted with Dr Matthew Sorell (University of Adelaide) the course provides a solid understanding of the methodologies, tools and techniques for an effective incident response process. The Course has also been tailored to perform forensic acquisitions and analysis of both Windows and Linux-based systems.

Danilo Massa and Matthew Sorell as creator and co-presenters respectively, offer a mixture of both live and pre-recorded on-line delivery, with some classroom activity, therefore bringing a unique best of breed experience from Europe and Adelaide to the A3C students.

The course is designed to be a cross-competence discipline suitable for IT Professionals with a Cyber interest including:

  • System administrators

  • SOC operators/ Analysts

  • CSIRT Members

  • Incident Handlers/Responders

  • Business continuity and disaster recovery staff

  • IT Mangers/Auditors

  • IT Security Personnel in charge of defending their organization’s assets

  • General security practitioners and security architects

  • Risk management professionals

This course will be delivered through a combination of webinars and in-person seminars at A3C, located within Lot Fourteen, Adelaide (corner of North Tce and Frome Rd, Adelaide). Please see below for contact hours and location:

  • 27 July, 3-5pm (A3C, Lot Fourteen)

  • 29 July, 3-5pm (online delivery)

  • 31 July, 3-5pm (online delivery)

  • 3 August, 3-5pm (A3C, Lot Fourteen)

  • 5 August, (online delivery)

  • 7 August, 3-5pm (A3C, Lot Fourteen)

An additional 12 hours of pre-recorded course material will be made available throughout this course.

Please contact [email protected] for any event or course queries.

The cost of this course is $2,000 plus GST and booking fees.

Complete your enrolment here

About the presenters/facilitators:

Dr Matthew Sorell

Dr Sorell is Senior Lecturer in Telecommunications and Multimedia Engineering at the University of Adelaide, and Adjunct Professor of Digital Forensics at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and provides digital investigation consulting services to the law enforcement sector. Since 2015 he has coordinated cyber security research and education collaboration between the University of Adelaide and the Tallinn University of Technology, and he is a member of the AustCyber (SA Node) Advisory Board, the INTERPOL Digital Forensics Experts Group, and is Scientific Adviser to FORMOBILE: From Mobile Phones to Court, an EU Horizon 2020 project standardising mobile phone forensic investigation in Europe. He has received multiple awards for teaching, including a Citation for Excellence from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.

Danilo Massa – aizoOn (Turin)

Danilo Massa started his career in 1995 and has had extensive technology experience in management and Cyber Security. He is one of the leading experts on cyber threats and has led aizoOn in one of the most important research programs on advanced Malware identification systems which we have coined the “aramis” platform.

Danilo is entirely well-versed in Cybersecurity: from vulnerability assessments and penetration testing of integrated systems to the safety of critical infrastructure, to the drafting and implementation of procedures and processes. Danilo, along with being a professor at some of the most prestigious technology security universities in Europe, was also a SANS certified trainer in the GIAC program (Global Information Assurance Certification) for Incident Handling and Digital Forensics courses.

He took part in the design of the first and second level University Masters – in particular with the University of Genoa, and he studied teaching, formulating and contributing to the curriculum, with expertise in several Masters Degrees. He is responsible for numerous strategic defence projects, and he is one of the technological leaders implementing a newly developed cyber range in Italy; this is a government initiative designed to educate and prepare business and public entities how to defend against sophisticated cyber intrusions.

The University of Adelaide:

A member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight research-intensive universities—standing tall among the world’s leading institutions of learning and innovation.

The clearest indication of this is a consistently high rating by the most respected international assessment bodies: QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education and Shanghai Jiao Tong’s Academic Rankings of World Universities (ARWU). All consider The University of Adelaide one of the top 1% of universities worldwide, and the top university in our state.

The vast majority of their research is rated ‘above or well above world standard’ by the Australian Research Council’s Excellence in Research Australia program.


aizoOn is a technology consulting company focused on innovation and operating globally. aizoOn owns software products developed in-house for specific strategic sectors, including Cyber Security, of which ‘aramis’ is the main platform with Danilo Massa as CTO.

Their service is based on the aggregation of appropriate technological and methodical skills and experience, combined with the appropriate governance model to implement successful projects.

The aizoOn training modules provide an overview of the activities, tools and methodologies used in Cyber Security. The Course objectives are for participants to understand, prevent and analyse any critical issues present in their organisation.

With have offices across Italy (Turin is H.Q.) Europe, Britain, the USA, and Sydney in Australia with the addition in 2019 of Adelaide – located at Lot Fourteen.